Saturday, April 27, 2019


Trying to keep a regular journal about life change/successful living is harder than I thought!  I have often wondered about people who write and journal about their lives being able to find the time to life as they journal… while they are journaling!  Looking back in retrospect, while simpler and easier, is more risky.  Journaling is a process that works through several levels of the mind, the brain, and neuroplasticity.  In fact, the effort that goes into maintaining a journal of sorts, is part of the magic of success.  That you have things prioritized so that there is a space in the midst of everything to journal is a key factor in the path to success.  So here I am, again going to promise a twice-weekly entry, that may become a bi-weekly journal (more on that later!).

The last few weeks have been a busy one for me and my Rock Steady franchises (yes, I ante up for TWO franchises!).  I have had to appear before a local Parkinson’s group and explain the benefits of Rock Steady.  This past Saturday, along with two of my boxers (one from each franchise), took part of Moving Day.  “Moving Day” is a day that has been designated for Parkinson’s awareness and action.  We had a walk in Omaha and I did have a few nerves over the event.  First, I did not hear back from my fighters and on the day of the event, one of the vet’s opined that last year everyone left after the walk and no one came to the post-event.  Here I was, scheduled for TWO different times for a demo, at 9a.m. and again at 11am.  I was already a little worried because I felt as I was a last-minute fill-in and my boxers had not RSVP’d me on Friday night.  But it was a minor worry, kind of lake how Blake reacted to Williamson when he told him that Roma wasn’t there for the meeting… “Well,” he growled, “I’m goin’ anyway!”, and then he tore the salesmen that WERE there a new one!

Not knowing what the event would be like, I had prepared remarks in case I had to give a talk.  Both of my boxers showed up, were very agreeable and we had a full workout, one that impressed those in attendance.  In fact, a couple of boxers from other franchises, one in Lincoln and the other in Elkhorn, a nearby town, wanted to “get some of that work”.  Passersby were impressed, so much so that a young girl went home sad because she did not get a second chance to hit the pads with me!  Still, after showing the other local attendees in the Parkinson’s community how well I run my program, I will have to get on the ball and stop “hoping” I have done enough and start actually DOING enough to be successful with my business.

Business.  Yes, this is an actual business, small and narrow, but with a fertile field to build in.  There is growth to be made (which feels ghoulish, but still, it’s true) and it won’t happen for me if I don’t take the necessary steps to make this endeavor a success.  Reflecting on my old friend that I creeped on Facebook… and using him and the holographic image of him that I took from his posts, the kind of thinking that brought me to where I am now, not as happy with myself as I should be, has to change.  He had the burning desire that I lacked… you don’t have to be at the top of the socio-economic food chain to take things for granted.  KT is being pushed and directed not only from her Mom but from the software that has been installed in her… and that software runs on my brain computer as well.  

One of the reasons that I had not clicked “run” when I saw the alert on my screen for the needed updates was fear.  The fear of what I could have been, fear of the added responsibility that came from having an OS that was patched and free of bugs.  I simply let myself down and the solution, like so much in my life, has fell into my lap.  See, I have never been materially rich, but of all the things that I am full of (and Kitty will soon be adding to that list!), potential, is chief among them.  Thing about potential is that as long as it is just that, something hoped for, it is essentially worthless.  I enlisted in the “Be All That You Can Be” Army.  When I think of the key people who were in my life from that era, they went on and did just that, my ex-wife included, go on to be all that they could be.  Here where I define the difference between “hating the player instead of hating the game”.  I have evidence that the thought programs that I had installed as a young man function… now, all I have to do is be fearless and run them!!


ThomasLB (AbbiesTreeHouse) said...

I wouldn't say "ghoulish." You're helping people and improving your own life- I'd say that's "win-win."

Beth said...

Many of us have or had a career because of the problems of others. My job was to identify people's infections and help with how to treat them. People will always deal with illnesses or bad situations, and helping them is just that. Don't ever feel that what you do is 'ghoulish!' You are helping people!

I'm so glad that your event went so well! You're going to do great!

Ken Riches said...

Always stay focused on the path forward, learn from the past, but it does not predict our future.