My first Rock Steady class was held on the 18th at Papillion Landing and it was very successful! I was only nervous because of heading into uncertainty… but also because I was going into uncertainty, I felt comfortable. Before you go, “contradiction much?’, remember, this is ME talking and to be sure, there is a justification for my confidence (I mean, besides my natural confidence!)
In the writings of one of my favorite strategists, Carl Von Clausewitz, if you are missing confidence in your actions, then you have failed in establishing yourself in one of several primary areas.
We must, therefore, be confident that the general measures we have adopted will produce the results we expect. Most important in this connection is the trust which we must have in our lieutenants. Consequently, it is important to choose men on whom we can rely and to put aside all other considerations. If we have made appropriate preparations, taking into account all possible misfortunes, so that we shall not be lost immediately if they occur, we must boldly advance into the shadows of uncertainty.
I don’t think that there is much call for the logic of a 19th century Prussian war strategists in today’s self-help marketplace (but maybe that is because no one has yet decided to fill that particular space… yet..!), but I think that this paragraph covers what a person should have in mind when they are about to embark on a journey into the mysterious world of risk/reward.
It is more than fine to not possess complete knowledge of your undertaking of passion. For a leader who is armed with passion, once they have surrounded themselves with people who they can trust and who have knowledge and/or expertise in related areas of the whatever it is one is to begin, that is enough. And in this small core group, that the most trust is placed in.
As far as the confidence in others is concerned, the absolute most important area of where one has the most confidence in, is the confidence in oneself. If you do not have self-confidence, how else can one expect positive results if they are not buoyed through the belief that one has in themselves? Finding people upon whom you can rely upon is NOT something done solely for lessening the burden that is placed upon whoever is the visionary of a project or thing. Being armed with people who will follow you to the end of your project means that you can concentrate you attentions on the big picture things and to allow those who share your passion to help you achieve your vision. This is where those who have a burning passion begin to separate themselves from those others who are in the field. Because it is due to the desire to succeed, and the enthusiasm with which you are pursuing success, that not only will good people want to be a part of your vision, but you will have things just “go your way”, as luck is the residue of hard work.
I'm with you on this one- if you wait until all conditions are perfect, you'll never get off the couch. Dive in!
Not only confidence, but optimism, help in achieving results.
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