Saturday, March 2, 2019



I held an orientation at Pinnacle Fitness club on the first Saturday of March.  It was a frigid, snowy day, bad for driving, especially if you have PD.  My partner did not show up for his training and attendance for the orientation was sparse.  But if one is going through hell, it’s ALWAYS best if one keeps going.  With that out of the way, I am feeling empowered.  I am fortunate to have people in both locations, at Papillion Landing and at Pinnacle Fitness, who only want to see me succeed.  That support alone, is worth its weight in gold and that getting such a project started is well within the skill set of both my partner at the Landing and at Pinnacle, is something that I intend to take FULL advantage of.  Which is why…

Though the orientation what underwhelming, it was what I needed.  I have NO experience at organizing something like this and having experienced this leaves me better prepared for future functions.  Also, being able to lean on the experience and connections of people who wants for me the same thing  that I want for myself -- franchise success, is super fortunate.  I know that I have the mental fortitude (condition be DAMNED) to make the most of this golden opportunity.  As I told the people who showed up today, braving the elements, if boxing did not lead me to being a world champion, to be part of a program that directly affects people lives in a positive way, is way more meaningful.

My manager was more than a little disappointed, but I wasn’t.  I don’t want to deal with more than I can handle and also do the promoting necessary to make it a financial success.  All of this is super difficult for me but in saying that, I have to remember the mission, which ISN’T to help those with Parkinson’s.

Remembering that I am a conspiracy kind of guy, the Rock Steady  website is filled with information on how to run a business, from promotion to location.  I don’t know how much the orgainzation is worth, but the reality is that I am operating and promoting a potentially profitable small business.  This means that I am going to have to rethink how I am going to approach being a small business operator.  Speaking of which…

I will scour what RSB (Rock Steady Boxing) website for their information on franchise building. Right now I have been following another head coach on Facebook, which explains my recent “trolling” of my Facebook friends!  Really, there is no learnable way to start a business… except for starting it and making things happen. 


ThomasLB (AbbiesTreeHouse) said...

I think you'll do great- your boxing background has taught you how to roll with the punches!

Ken Riches said...

What I am finding is that it takes daily social media presence and as you have already demonstrated, not being disappointed in low response rate. Over time it will grow.