Sunday, January 27, 2019

Updating on Updates

When it has come to the self-help industry, my thoughts and opinion of the need for a person to be in need of someone outside of themselves to guide their decision-making processes was difficult to fathom for most of my 20’s.  Even now, I am still skeptical of the “need” to have someone inform you on a course of action, but it was watching a movie, “Pulp Fiction”, where my opinion began to thaw.  Actually, it was a specific scene -- this one, that changed my active thinking on the subject.

Back in the 90’s, this scene would hang in my thoughts, unresolved.  I was stuck with the purpose of Harvey Keitel's character.  The answer was hidden in the scene all along.  When emotions run high as they often do in episodes leveraged by great success or failure, the opinion of an unmoved, objective observer is of great value.  That is why journaling has benefitted me, because if I could honestly bare myself to strangers, then the chance for unbiased opinion and it benefits, would and has been, of great aid to me in my journey.  That is why the thoughts of others have come to mean more to me now than it did when I was younger (and why wisdom is often wasted on the young; we often find ourselves being led by those who have benefitted from that want of relevant self-knowledge in life).

I don’t have any expertise in project management.  But my partner in the Rock Steady franchise near my home does.  Marketing know-how escapes me but my manager at the Fitness Center has a degree and plenty of experience in doing just that.  One of the things that I have to maintain is the desire and energy to keep those who want to help me, motivated to do just that, to help me.  I can’t undersell my contributions… specialized knowledge of the Rock Steady program and the energy to commit to the franchise.

Tuesday, I will be making a presentation of the intake portion of the program at the fitness center where I work.  That is where we make an assessment of the boxer and place them in a level of fitness and disease progression, done so that the boxer can get the most from the program.  Also, I have been contacted by a physical therapist who works with PD patients and wants to establish a relationship with me.  Without a doubt, the potential is there for me to become a small business/fitness center, but it still is one step at a time… and I am not looking any further than the next item on my calendar!


ThomasLB (AbbiesTreeHouse) said...

"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent." ~Calvin Coolidge

You have drive and persistence, and don't underestimate how important that is! I have no doubt you'll get where you want to be, if not by one path then by another!

Ken Riches said...

One day at a time, and before you know it, a business is born!