Too bad that there isn't more hip hop like this. Why is all the good stuff hidden underground? Instead of this, we have Lil' Wayne and people who think they are hip because they dig 'Empire State of Mind'. Jay-Z imagines himself as a Sinatra... what a maroon!
I remember when the genre was for the rouges and had a consciousness that represented something. Now it adds to the capriciousness of the immature.
Anywho, if more dope jams like this could make it into the mainstream, then I bet the kids would find different ways of expressing themselves. Less sex and violence (because like KRS says, it always sells!) and more constructive socially relevant thoughts. It worked in the 60's, didn't it?
The aninmation for the video... set as a comic imagines the rapper as being a superhero instead of a pimp. What a novel concept!! Instead of thinking what the world owes you and how you can get yours, be someone who is willing to make sacrifice at great expense for the greater good.
Pat Roberson has garnered some attention for his insensitive remarks about Hati. I will let more inclined lead that discussion. I'd rather talk about the topic of 'gratefulness' and keeping things in perspective. I think Huckdoll does a great job at it here. Beth over at 'Nutwood' also had something honest to say about keeping proper perspective over things too.
As much pain and suffering that exists in the world today, I don't know if that means you can't be upset because you didn't make your high school swim team or if you didn't get the raise that you wanted... or anything that is in your life that is THE thing that isn't going the way that you hoped.
Personally, I think of myself as someone who appreciates the positive elements in my life. Man, I don't know how many times I have told myself that I am glad that I grew up in the world that I did and not the one that someone else did. Now, I am wondering why I didn't make more of what I had. And then I begin wonder if there was anything outside of me that kept me from reaching my point on the horizon, the one that I set my course to from 'here'.
I haven't ever been willing to say about a situation that was detrimental to me, that I got a raw deal. And right now, I do find myself pondering what made things 'break' for me the way that they have. At any rate, telling myself that my troubles aren't as bad as others, STILL doesn't change the troubles I do have!
I can't stand Lil' Wayne. That's all I've gotta say.
Lil Wayne looks like a clown to me, and a moron for wanting and glamorizing the way he acts and lives..loved the music and the video, listened and watched it over and over more than a few times-thanks for the intro to something new, I'm always on the prowl for music to expand my tastes :)
We are the only ones that can give ourselves a raw deal, because no matter how much sh*t others give us, it is how we react that matters. I appreciate that you focus on the good most of the time.
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
I hear you on music in general, but understand your point. I agree with the Idea of our lives and respect you for your goodness about life. In response to you revealing to much, I know that feeling too. LOL I wish you a great weekend and a Happy New year my wise friend.
oh mannnn, I don't like Littel Wayne either, tho my kid does. I just don't like his "nasal-y" voice...yuk.
and while I may not know alot about your "situation" and what brought you to where you are today, I still supoort you in your discovery of yoursel fand what makes you tick. I think you're awesome and the compassion you have for others shines through all the "other stuff"....
Wherever you are and whatever you have, all you can do is be grateful and appreciative for where you are and what you've got. It could always be better, it could always be worse, but the future isn't written for anybody.
Trouble is trouble, it doesn't matter what size it is, a hang nail or an earth quake, straightening out the mess is what we do. I often wonder why I got dealt the hand I did. Was it a test or just bad luck? Who cares? If I have to walk through the mine field I might as well sing while I do it.
As for Pat Robertson, he's just a simple buffoon.
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