Friday, December 11, 2009



Found an old resume, the one that got me the last actual job that I held. That is part of what was fueling my lamentations about not having the stuff of my life. I have also lost my ARCOM medal, which is something that I am very proud of. Well, to be perfectly honest, to say that it is 'lost' is being to kind. But if I have to go to the place that it once was, then I will get angry and VERY mad.

Locating the resume for me is a sign that I haven't yet threw in the towel. Because it means I am again active in making my hopes come true. A little effort here... some focus there, and before you know it, you have something to work with. Thing is, I don't want to scrapple together something and make the best of it. I want what it is that I want.

I have myself had to 'gotten over' a lot of stuff ... it feels like I have said that before... so gentle and dear reader, if it is something you have heard here before, forgive me. But one of the hopes and wishes that 'meant the most to me', I see did come true. And that is cool. But I still have more that I need to see to and have explored, hopes and dreams of mine that no one else have had for me but me.

Selfish? I don't know. Does seem a little sad. Maybe that is what I have to do to get thru this. Be a little selfish and think only about me.


David Dust said...

Hey Mark -

If you want someone to polish up your resume a little bit, I would be more than happy to take a look. It's something I'm pretty good at - if I don't say so myself :) Email me at if you want. If not, it's completely cool.

Hope you are hanging in there.

Sage Ravenwood said...

Hey you,

I think it's perfectly healthy to be selfish at times. I've learned I'm not good to anyone else, unless I take care of me first.

Baby steps hon. (Hugs)Indigo

betty said...

its not selfish Mark; you know what is the best for you for the journey you want your life to take


Ken Riches said...

Some selfishness is worthwhile as long as it does not cause a deterioration of your reason for being there.

DB said...

So Mark you've decided to be a little selfish have you? Well it's about damn time. As for your medal, large pieces of my history sit in closets and basements all over the northeast, places I will never visit again. I've forgotten what's in there, mostly, and that's a good thing. Real life is ahead, not behind.


Angel said...

Honey, it is perfectly fine to be a little selfish at times. I'm just findinf this out myself, so we can do this together, huh? Its good to focus on YOU....esp. when you give so much of yourself to other people,as I know you do.

and Take Tranny up on his offer to polish your resume....he's awesome a that kind of stuff. You won't be sorry!