Tuesday, December 22, 2009



From the very beginning of her emergence on the scene of national politics, I have compared Sarah Palin with Greg Stilson, a character from the Stephen King novel, 'The Dead Zone'. She shares so many of the negative qualities with the fictional character, including in my mind, the risk of starting a nuclear war with another world power, in her misguided leadership. Normally, I reserve this 'Stillson' characterization for comments in Beth's journal.

Christopher Hitchens, did a very good job of pointing out her disengenousness. In my mind, she is borderline evil. I don't think that any of her 'buddies' that will sweep into the White House and make policy for her means well for anyone. This includes those who would support her policy by electing her.

She hides behind wordplay to take her shots at the President, when she has far stronger and closer ties to fringe organizations that represent a radical minority. What gets me is how 'unsmart' she is. Thanks to 'W.', we have lowered the bar for our leadership and they have shown that they are willing to fall short of reaching those standards.

In fact, Palin reminds me in an abstract way of the 'your listeners are our shoplifters' thinking that keeps Somerset Mall from running ads on WJLB. See, people that take her seriously as a politician, I do take points off their IQ. Sarah Palin, who I would rather see 'parasailin', is a tool for certain interests. What those interests are, I can't call. What I do know is that for them to back some crackpot chick who is stupid enough to take her racist ass to Hawaii for school but decide she can't deal with the Polynesian component of the student population, doesn't deserve to be a representative of the entire country.

Not to mention her and her husband's ACTIVE membership in the Alaskan Independent Party. For my money, it is like a Triple K club for the goobers with snot frozen under their noses. A bunch of racist, separatist mouth breathers, who are one 'crackuh' short of a box. If they didn't plan on letting the government of the United States support them, I am sure they would have figured a way to act as 'terrorists'. And make no mistake, cats like the AIP are terrorist organizations. But because they are up there in Cicely doing their grime, they don't suffer the intense scrutiny of groups like ACORN, who dare to work in the real world. There may have been some missteps with ACORN, but they were understandable. Same CAN'T be said about Palin and her ties to known terrorist groups.

Were you to ask me, she is willing to sell her soul to be ANYTHING. Sarah reminds me of someone who feels victimized by life and in her zeal, will do whatever it takes to make a name for herself. I think she'd become a bigger figurehead than 'W.' was...


I am still very much out of sorts. Part of it is the crap weather and its blending into to complication of my own individual discomfort. Once that starts to roll, it picks up steam and snow. The rest of it is just stuff...

Normally, talking about other 'stuff' helps lighten my mood. Hasn't happened, at least not to where it has improved noticably.


mrs.missalaineus said...

calling palin a cracker is giving her too much latitude. she's a puppet on a very short string, controlled by an idiot.


Heather said...


She is a disgrace to women, and to be honest, to people everywhere.

She disgusts me.

Happy Holidays, my friend.

betty said...

sorry you are still out of sorts, Mark; I think it will be a bit before you aren't. I don't know; I think if the press left Sarah Palin alone she would fade away. But they don't, so she is still in the spotlight.


Beth said...

[applauding] You know how I feel about this, Mark, and I have to tell you that you brought a smile to my face with this! I'd rather see her parasailin', too! ;)

I hope you find your groove, my friend. I know that feeling of being out of sorts, and it's unnerving. You'll get there, I have confidence in you! L&R, Beth