Sunday, February 3, 2008

... why I talk ...

... one of the reasons that I am talking about fitness stuff, is that I know what it is I know about it ... it is not for nothing that I have a nice physique ...

... also, because part of making this a better year than last, I want to really focus on the things that put me into a positive frame of mind as well as build the physical frame up ...

... but in saying that ...

I like full figured women ... ALWAYS ... but being 'thick' at 20 isn't the same as when your are 36 ... and if you called Mook a six letter word beinning with 'f' and ending with 'ss', that would be your choice ...

So am I complaining about it ..?  No and yes ... 'No' because she is still attractive to me as I first saw her ... 'Yes' because it is unhealthy for her ... she snores and even she wonders if it is possible sleep angina ... she has little aches and pains ... stiff back, sore calf ... I am sure plenty of folks have that ...

I don't ... and it is because I chose to make physical fitness a major part of my life when I was 10 ... so I can honestly say that I don't wake up with 'aches and pains' ...

No, Mookie doesn't need to slim down to a size ... but she is cheating not only me and whoever, but her daughter and her family by not doing this relatively small thing, and adopting a healthier strategy regarding her fitness ... you can't buy it out of a box ... for her to talk about what the things she COULD do ... to sit and observe the clear BENEFITS and still do absolutley nothing is stultifying ...

I think not only would our relationship improve spending four hour per week working on that together, but her entire LIFE would ... being fitter would give her more time for her 'Mookie stuff', be around and more active for lil' Mook and just be a darned better person ...

Sometimes I can hear lil' Mook doing stuff ... hmmm ... wonder where she got THAT from ... anyway, that is part of why there are so many o'dark thirty entries from me ...

... but, it isn't the only reason ...


Anonymous said...

sometimes its hard to get into the habit of being fit, especially if you didn't start it at an early age like you did. some of us take our bodies for granted until some sickness/illness and then we start getting serious. one can only hope that the lady in your life will realize the responsibility she has to take care of her health sooner than later

in the meantime, enjoy the day, whatever it brings

thanks for the comment!


Anonymous said...

Mark,  I am a full - figured woman, I keep trying to lose weight but it finds me again, Sigh ................... Hugs Lisa

Anonymous said...

This is some good stuff.

Anonymous said...

Too many people think they can lose weight from a pill or some other magic potion...but even that, isn't healthy.  You may be skinny, but what poison did you put in your body to achieve it?  The plain and simple *yes, simple* truth is that exercise, and a healthy diet are the key.  Most don't want to eat healthy, and even less, want to move.  I've been walking now, for about 7 years.  Not bunches of miles, but consistently, 3-5 days a week.  I eat better than I ever have, and I've maintained my weight.  You are being a great role model!
xoxo ~Myra

Anonymous said...

" can't buy it out of a box ... for her to talk about what the things she COULD do ... to sit and observe the clear BENEFITS and still do absolutley nothing is stultifying ..."

oh my...this is pretty close to what I'm doing..ok I'm in denial..this is what I'm doing lately...