Friday, February 29, 2008

...nothing much ...

Stray thoughts …

Two and a Half Men

Funny show, I tell you funny show! Watching a couple of syndicated reruns, I am in stitches! The first one features Jeri Ryan as a guest star and she has Charlie (Charlie Sheen) on the business end of their relationship. She calls him when it is at her convenience, hustles him in and out of dates, and then makes him do the dreaded, ‘you gotta go home’ walk when they have finished their ‘business’.

It makes me think of how I have handled myself, and was I as bad as Charlie … can be sure that I have had the tables turned on me a few times. Prolly dealt with them like I am dealing with the one I am in now … que sera and look forward to what is coming up next.

The second show is one where Alan (Jon Cryer) is facing his son’s interest in women. The boy has taken to putting up posters of women in bathing suits … and it is a male rite of passage. He tries to cling to his little boy for just a while longer. Too funny!

I am reminded of when my Mom found my stash of girlie books. Can’t remember how I came about them, but they weren’t the ‘polite’ Playboy or even the gnarly Penthouse or Hustler books. They were the kind that are in the ‘3 for $10’ packs, featuring girls who looked like they were just out of rehab or from the ladies detention center!

She bought me a book, “As A Man Thinketh” and made me read it and tell her about it! Looking back, it makes me smile … I know my Mom tried as hard as she could, and there isn’t anything wrong with that!

Just Sayin’

In a country where political leaders have done all that they could to get OUT of service (Dubya and Dead-eye Dick, Slick Willie Clinton) why did the Drudge report gleefully report that Prince Henry was in Afghanistan, fighting the REAL war on terror?

Whoever sold the information had to know that the English Press was at risk of trouble if they leaked the information out. So why did the Drudge Report feel compelled to spill the Prince’s location?

It is worth noting that he has really matured. His mates call him ‘the bullet magnet’! But he is an officer and has real combat responsibilities. The Bush girls similarly girls have grown out of their wildness as well. Isn’t one of them teaching in a public school somewhere, New York or D.C., some seriously urban area? Good for them as well! I always thought that they along with Chelsea Clinton got a bum deal.

Drew Peterson

Okay, black people have O.J., now white folks have Drew Peterson. Wanna call it even?

What is with this guy? He was on ‘The Today Show’ with his squirmy lawyer, to accomplish exactly what? He radiates slimy, and he really is enjoying his moment as the center of attention.

Don’t think that they will be able to catch him, not for simply not trying. Like O.J., Drew not only has friends on the police force, he has friends in position of authority. The ‘Thin Blue Line’ is working his way as well. If this was a fed crime, he would be toast. But it isn’t.


Kwame Kilpatrick is a mess. What a punk! I am so over the mess that he is in, and more outdone by the reaction of some of the folks in Detroit. That there is even ONE SOUL that thinks he should keep his job is amazing to me. Detroit is dying, jobs are drying up, public services are being cut, people are leaving, and this cat is costing the city $8.4 million dollars (and don’t forget the mysterious death of the exotic dancer at THE MAYORAL MANSION a few years ago) in illegally arranged city hush money.

Detroit is dying, and this is the reason why. If ever a collective group of people got what they deserve, it is the uninvolved in Detroit. That you can win a campaign on ‘blaming whitey’ in a time where you have a woman and brother as serious political contenders for president, shows how retarded the development of Detroit has been. (did that sentence make sense???)


Did anyone else watch ‘Eli Stone’ last night? I adore the show. The scene where his fiancée joined the firm to obviously be near him, said ‘I want this to be my problem’, when Eli was trying to present himself as a lost cause made my heart sigh. I know that I am going to be someone’s responsibility as much as I am my own … but who wants the job?

Loretta Devine scene singing … she looked ‘divine’ in that red dress … that she was romantically linked to one of the senior lawyers … ooh, that cat better watch his back … I am serious!

But it still ties things up too neat, hopefully it will grow out of that. I remember ‘Joan of Arcadia’ and how it showed the conflicts of the characters, some of them didn’t always resolve themselves the way that you thought, some didn’t get answered at all and you were left with what you thought would happen.

That was a good show. I might have to get that on DVD.


Anonymous said...

I was saddened to hear that the media reported where Prince Harry was because I feel, like you, he really wanted to serve with his men/country and now is denied that because someone just had to spill the beans for what? money? fame? sad!

laughed about the girlie magazines/book your mom got you; similar incident here with the kid; "Every Young Man's Battle"; it was a good read though; we read it together when he was 13. I learned a lot in there about how a man thinks


Anonymous said...

I like that those shows also.