Monday, January 21, 2008

... mostly cloudy ...

… weigh-in has been postponed until tomorrow due to the holiday …

Yesterday was my Mom’s birthday. I don’t think that I have ever told anyone that. January 20th has been plenty of things, I can remember playing hockey games, of course football watching and it has always been Inauguration Day.

And it has always been Momma’s birthday.

My peeps and I had been estranged until this past summer. Now we talk, and I plan on visiting and hanging out with my fam and all that. It has been a lost dimension for me, to be a part of my own family, and I can’t wait to share my Carolina girls with them.

I have a sister in the service, not to far from Omaha (and that is in Nebraska). She is a surgical nurse and she was making what is for her, an annual thing, calling her peeps. This was my first time getting the call, as I had been out of the loop. The first thing that I told her, was that “I knew what today is..!”.

We laughed and chatted for a bit. She is married and has three beautiful children. She rode out her husband’s wildness, and they are cool too. In fact, I think about her and how she hung in with her spouse when I consider what to do with Mookie. Anyway, who ever reads this, it will be the first time anyone has ever heard from me that January 20th is my Mom’s birthday.

For me, this has been a completely personal thing. Same with my brother, I will assume. I can go off into my own space that I invariably created within the relationship, and deal. That I do this, is something that I've carried from my awkward growing up, being able to find my way between people. I wouldn’t mind not feeling like that. It kind of flies in the face of being in a relationship, if I am compelled to keep so much of myself inside.

I understand if you aren’t going to be able to sit through the film version of “1984” with me … nor am I going to dock you points for not being able to feel what I feel listening to Simian … but you do have to give me a little space in your world … after all, I have given you all the room you need to be in mine …

Anyway, looking at my sisters and my brother, I see a lot of myself … and to say that, I am also saying how much of my Mother I am reminded of, in them. They all ended up doing things and engaging themselves in areas that I once went through, and I was allowedthat freedom because of my Mother. I do wish that I could manage to get to Arizona for her, but man, I found heaven on earth in Carolina …

We had our differences. It hurt really, really, bad that she took my first wife’s side, and did so in no uncertain terms. But we got over that. And when I say ‘we got over that’, I mean JUST THAT. I don’t really hold grudges, as much as I use the ‘hot stove’ rule. Once you touch a hot stove, you know not to do that again. When I figure out that you are too hot for me, I let you go. Pick you up when I know you are cool and it is safe …

Anyway, I guess I kind of went this way and that … but it is mostly in the same neighborhood. I do know that my thoughts tired me out, because I went to sleep without considering the end of the game between the Giants and the Packers. Might have missed my ‘lucky me’ night too … que sera … I just don’t care anymore about that … playing ‘tag’ is DEFINITELY not cool ..!


Anonymous said...

Yesterday was my daughter, Lindsay's birthday too....
I love your "hot stove" rule.


Anonymous said...

I unfortunately never learned the "Hot stove" rule. I always had to learn the hard way and more often than not it would leave it's mark of damaged goods....

Family.....Some people can regrain that touch of innocence and build it back into their lives...for me I have my daughter. I haven't know true family since I left home at 16 and never looked back. I wish you well in all your endeavors.....Happy Belated Birthday to your mother dear friend. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

I've been out of the loop.
Mostly in regard to my sister.

Anonymous said...

Mark, love your hot stove rule, Hugs Lisa

Anonymous said...

My Brothers B/D is the day after your Mums! Gaz