Sunday, April 18, 2010


Because I don't have the motivation to find the links, y'all are going to have to trust me regarding the accuracy of my statements about a couple of stories that I saw recently.

There is a report out about the financial demographics of Tea Bag supporters. Over half of them have a college degree and a higher percentage of them earn more that $100K than non-Tea Baggers. Sure they are more likely to be white men and think that too much is made of racial inequality. Did I mention that they also think President Obama is far to liberal for their tastes? They think that the Presidential agenda favors minorities, black in particular. All of that sounds like the kind of fears that the loss of privilege generates in a group when they are out of power and cannot bully or oppress their competition.

So far, Obama has been more Reagan-esque than many on the right want to give him credit for. The recent agreement he signed with Russia to decrease the number of nuclear arms is right out of Ronnie's playbook. Going by the histrionics in the conservative media, you'd have thought he bargained to leave the country defenseless. The whole thing about nuclear arms to me is mind numbing. Exactly how many times do we need to be capable of rendering the planet a radioactive husk before enough is enough?


The lack of tolerance that was elected in Virginia brought back the unplesantness of years ago for me. As cool as some things were, there were a lot more uncool stuff that I couldn't quite wash away. Gov. Bob McDonnell represents many of the unfortunate traits of the 'Old Dominion' that ate away at my resolve.

So why did I move back to the state whose native population of racists decided to protest immagration in Los Angeles? With the last escapade by the Huartee Milita foiled, I am really wondering what the outstate vibe in Michigan is like? Thinking about 'the provincial town' again and despite my fondness for it, there is that militia element, native to the town and surrounding area.

One of the sad truths about our country how close to the surface that the 'ists and isms' lie. Easier to accept a fallacy to explain why a job didn't go your way or the rise in taxation. There is still a wide gap in the understanding of one another in the United States and it is depressing. It makes me think that it is still a world where marginalizing the undersired is preferred.

Along with sex and violence, fear and ignorance always sells.

A way cool song by The Liars. I did provide the link to the official video for those who were interested enough to check it out. Prolly could come up with a semi cognent interpretation for readers, but why? Let the song speak for itself, because it does an awesome job of that!

The mood is still rather down. Today is the SFC's birthday and thinking about the dark humor I would want to apply to the timing of our break up and the date is something best kept to myself. We have spoken already and I know it would have hurt her. And I am not so sure if I would not want to make her hurt a little, even though I know she hurts enough without my help.

Though you couldn't tell it by the direction this journal has been on the past few months, I don't enjoy self pity or to be pitied. But even more loathsome to me is the projection of my own pain or discomfort unto someone else.


Anonymous said...

To some extent the "tea baggers" are being unfairly defined by their most extreme members. The same thing happened to the political left when they tried (and failed) to end the wars against Iraq and Afghanistan.

I liked the song. It was a new experience for me, not a group I was likely to stumble across on my own.

betty said...

not sure if I'm on the mark here, Mark, (no pun intended) but I read from a wise pastor his desire not to be a burden on anyone with what he might say or do; I think you are implying this in your second to the last paragraph of your entry today. I think you choose to take the "high road" even if others choose differently (at least I think that's what I'm getting out of this)

about immigration; I'm all for it if people legally come over here to this country and then go about and learn the language of their new country. honestly, to me, it is frustrating that I sometimes have not qualified for employment because I was not bilingual (but I met and exceeded all the other qualifications). Conversely, the two years my sister spent in the Netherlands due to her husband's job, they were not provided interpreters if they had to conduct business using the native language of the Netherlands and it was not expected that people would speak English for them. But here (at least in Southern California) interpreters are available for court system, medical system, school system, etc. I just think an effort should be made from the immigrant to learn the country's language

hoping you feel better soon; did you get your luggage?


Ken Riches said...

I do not believe the demographics on the tea baggers, I think there must be a few members that are skewing the numbers.

I hope you can enjoy your spring and summer in the Metro.

Unknown said...

I as going to respond to your post - but your comments have drawn my attention:
@Thomas - The 'Tea Baggers' are just another expression of the "I've got mine and I don't care if you can't find yours" attitudes of the far right.

@That Corgi - Please show me where 'English' is designated as the 'official' language of the U.S. And I would remind you that unless you are an Aboriginal American, you are either an immigrant or the descendant of immigrants.

@Bucko - The demographics may be off, but their attitudes, politics and leadership would lead us to more 'Me First' and less "Care for one's fellow man" - unless that care is actually concern for how far he and his activities are going to reach into your pocket.

Unknown said...

That song, totally dark but totally good.

Major ((HUGS)) my friend

Constance said...

Breakups are hard... There is the loss of a dream, There is having to see your life ahead differently. There is examing concepts of cause and effect, of expectations, of beliefs, of perceptions.
I think the hardest thing to do when we have heartache is to be kind to ourselves along with the self-examination.
You want to come way from a relationship feeling as though you learned something of value - that will make you make a more effective decision in your choices in the future.
And you want to be able to let go so that the past doesn't haunt you.
Tall order and takes some time to get there...

I realize that this is a "chick" web site to some degree, but given your recent break-up, you may find some useful things here:
