Friday, December 4, 2009


Brittani Louise Taylor came by and left a comment!! That was super cool. That to me, is the kind of celebrity that I can appreciate fully. She is a nice young lady and if she can turn some coin by sharing her love and zest for living, so be it. I am happy and root for her to 'do that thang, girl'!


Trying not to sound crotchety, but why do people act all 'new' when something happens? Tiger Woods... the White House crashers... reality television, all the attention seeking and spin control has only been happenning since Cain figured the best way to get his props was to lose his brother.

Watching the 1953 edition of 'War of The World', one of the reasons that is given by one of the rubes who approached the alien craft, is 'we'll be in all the papers'. Now perhaps there is more intensity with people trying to get their slice of fame and fortune, but the problem isn't new or unique to this time. That it has reached to the level of security breach at the White House is indicative at how collectively we respect any institution or the extent at which we will reach for fame.

The pressure of keeping up with inflated egos and spurred on by celebrity that people have came to being who they are (Paris Hilton ... really ..?), not for any accomplishment, leads to this kind of behavior. But I won't believe that it is new and unheard of.


Because it is strange talking about some of the different things that I deal with, I don't. For instance, this week I had a bout of migraine, that kept me from dealing with the lights. My right eye dialated for no external reason.

Riding in a car and having stuff go by bothers me as well, but not as bad as it once did. Some days are days where I want to get up and go out, but I don't. If I knew why, then I would try not to let that happen.

Today is one of those days. I had wanted to go and get my haircut. But my eyes 'want' to dialate and open up. They haven't gotten to that point where everything is like a flash from a camera, but it is at the level where your eyes adjust from the dark going to the light. Only when things seem to go to normal, I blink and it starts up again. Good thing I know how to type and I don't have to hunt and peck!!

Normally, if I exercise stuff like that doesn't happen, but I did go out and lift weights this morning... I made double sure to take my meds, so the only other thing I can do is sit here with the lights off and hope things level out. I still want to try and get out, so mayhaps I will in a few hours.

Since I am 'dealing' almost as much as I am 'living', my thoughts are more into a 'Tribe Called Quest' kind of mode ... wondering where it is that I left my wallet.

Hope everyone have a great weekend!


Angel said...

ok, that's your eyes dialte like that whenever you have a migraine? just on their own like that? have you been to a dr. ? well, yes, Im sure you've probably been to a dr....but still.

Hope you feel better!

and tiger...well, look it happens all. the. time. he just got caught is all. Nothing new.

Ken Riches said...

Sorry you had a tough day, hope that it passes quickly and you get back into your thang :o)

betty said...

Mark, do be careful! I know you know your body but that eye dilating makes me worried unless it is "normal" for you (but I am still worried)

at the gym every morning this week on the TVs there, its either been Tiger or the White House Crashers; getting old. They need to let Tiger work on restoring his relationship if he can and they need to beef up security at the White House and go on to reporting some other news

hope you have a good weekend too :)
