Tuesday, July 21, 2009



And right now, I am in the middle of a storm. But as Sir Winston once said, "When one is going through hell, it is best that you keep going."


I can't help but laugh at myself ... bitter, not as bitter of a laugh as you would think, smiling at the entire episode, not because it is funny but because 'I got what I paid for.'

Even with what went down, I don't feel comfortable sharing more of what she has spoken to me about her actions. What, she sat there for over 90 minutes, blowing up my Face Book page. In a strange way, maybe it really was for the best that my job at the hotel didn't work out for me. Who knows if I was still working there, what she would have felt entitled to do?

What she did, I dunno ... most of that stuff is either copped to and time served, or hinted at so that it isn't a stretch. So anyone who are both 'here' and 'there', should have read that and not been surprised at all.

That she would share it with everyone ... I am like, 'Well, I know you are, but what am I?' After all, she chose to hang with me.

Otherwise, between the May/June of '08 and the May/June of '09, things were pretty tame, and not only in relation to the close of the year. Other than complaining about my bike, the Astoria Bakery rides, and the odd adventure with she-who-name-is-unspoken (nah ... I ain't hatin' on AKA... I have gotten over it already... sadly to say, for me that is par for the freakin' course...) and the slow but steady progress in my plan to go to Nebraska, it was a very good year.


In boxing, ten seconds before the end of the round, either someone hits a buzzer or pounds the canvas. It is a signal to the referee that the round is about to end and he needs to separate the fighters when the bell sounds.

That is what June was for me. I had decided to 'round up' from last May and begin counting with the calendar. I would start things off 'on time', rather than just making a schedule and working it. Finally, I was beginning and ending in time with the seasons!

Much of my excitement at making my new life came from that. No longer would I be trying to 'fit' myself in an awkward position, trying to 'catch up' when something has started. I would be in the blocks and going at the sound of the gun with all the other runners.

I had hoped to be in Nebraska by January of next year. Would accept February or even March of '10. But at the ten second mark, stuff happened.

Nebraska, the person and I had a spat. Then, after I decided to suck that up and get over it, my NCOIC touched me on Face Book. And if you have been reading for the past month and- a- half, you know the rest of the story.


But we are going to work it out. Talking about the 'slash' job done on my Face Book page. The key thing is that it wasn't fatal.

Irony is, I have taken pains to respect her emotions and not disrespect her. Wonder what set her off ... with 'wonder' having as much relevance as my wondering about particle physics and such.

Meaning, I don't care what set her off. She is off, and that is that with that.

Now, it is more about making adjustments and setting off in the direction of my dreams ...


mrs.missalaineus said...

if she's my age and she is using facebook to get hers i know now more then ever you made the right choice. if it matters we have 5th graders (yes, 5th graders) participating in this kind of cyber-bulling. sheesh! what's next? mean text messages????


betty said...

sad that she had so much anger about something that she had to take it out like this. you are good, Mark, just to walk away and not do much more with her.....and continue to go in the direction of your dreams! those are all good ones!


Ken Riches said...

Thing is, after people read one or two, it is like, what a crazy woman, and move on. Little colateral damage :o)

Celeste said...

That round is over and the new has begun

Senorita said...

Glad I am not on Face Book.

I hope everything works out for you.