Thursday, February 19, 2009



And I don't really know the 'cast' intimately, I don't really chat much about them. My role in the house is to be a 'senior officer', and that is about it. But sometimes, there are 'teachable moments', and one occured today, and it was dealing with washing the dishes.

I don't question who washes the dishes when I don't do it, but WHOEVER is doing it that isn't me, doesn't do a good job. This evening, my 8 year old nephew was, IMO, making a freaking mess. Telling him to stop what he was doing, was not going to be good enough ... he sincerely wanted to be helpful by doing the dishes.

Though I wanted to watch the rest of 'Kath & Kim' and then, 'The Office', I stopped and explained to the little guy about the way I wash dishes. Showed him how I feel they should be stacked and managed ... not only that, I told him WHY I do it the way I do (AKA says I have some OCD to me which I replied with an eye twitch and a throat click), and compared my work to some of the 'previous efforts' that was stacked in dish rack.

As it were, the lesson caused me to miss the rest of 'Kath and Kim' AND nearly all of 'The Office' ... except for the last scene where Jim and Pam are miles apart and they are 'sharing' the same mind ... that is sooo neat. Would love to be that way with someone.


That was a cool line from '30 Rock'. It was part of the 'Six Sigma' episode that was rerun. While I could have done without the Tracy Jordan-Kenneth the NBC page thread, the one between Frank the slob writer and Jenna, one of the 'stars' of the fictional show was hilarious to me.

That they hooked up and the flip flop was rich. Jenna felt slighted that Frank wouldn't 'talk her up', as one of his lucky conquests. So she blabbed, and when it got out ... yuks abounded!!

Though it was a rerun, the thread with Liz Lemon and Jack Donaghy was very good. It was a familiar one, as I have played the Liz Lemon part enough times in my life. Never got the time to be Jack ... was Frank, if you believed the hype ... but I want to think I was more discriminating than that. Anywho, getting to Liz and Jack, I have no doubt that I am that kind of friend to anyone I call a friend.

After Jack 'switched' to his friends at the retreat, poor Liz was left on her own, even as the other 'serfs' made her feel isolated, when Jack needed help, she not only took a bullet, she went ahead and dived on the grenade!


Now, I have taken some bullets for people ... I have dived on a grenade one time as well. But I have also put people in difficult positions, and that is what was part of what had me decide to stop being a jerk or whatever else I was called. I knew that I was better than that.

Did not need to symp out to The Smiths ... or to as Jack Donaghy said, to expect that my life was wired to be like "... the 2nd half of a Judy Blume novel," to Liz Lemon. I had to be stronger and I have chosen to be stronger and better as well.

The BAD song (that's Big Audio Dynamite for the uninitiated!) "Rush" kind of gets at how I feel sometimes. Even when I want to beat myself up, I also realize I have taken my share of hits, and have recieved what I had coming to me.

Now, "I gotta get my self right out of here."

If I had my time again Iwould do it all the same
And not change a single thing Even when I was to blame
For the heartache and the pain That I caused throughout my years
How I loved to be your man Through the laughter and the tears

Sorta of says what I am sorta kinda saying ... anywho, did speak to Tee Jay last night, and haven't processed the conversation ... but the early returns show that nothing is trending towards change. Maybe it will help with the current 'processing' I am doing.

This was random ... I really liked the flow of the last 5 minutes of 'The Office' into this particular rerun of '30 Rock'. Hope everyone had a nice evening, and will have an even nicer weekend, snow or not!!


Lisa said...

Mark, I hate doing dishes with a passion, good thing I have a dishwasher here, wishing you a great Friday, Hugs Lisa

Ken Riches said...

Glad that you got a chance to chat the Tee Jay, and sorry that it met expecations, or lack thereof.

Even the reruns are funny, we watched (never got into the Kimmy thingy though :o)

Myra said...

I wash, Glen dries. My philosophy is that only the front part of the dish gets used so when I don't rinse the back, no big deal. To me. Glen thinks differently. I don't have a dishwasher, oh, wait, thats me!

Beth said...

I love that song!

Sorry to hear the conversation with Tee Jay didn't provide more satisfation.

Hey, be on the lookout for a package. Probably Monday. :)

Hugs, Beth

Celeste said...

Ugh Dishes. I have a dishwasher. When it gets loaded by someone else I usually rearrange it. Also there are a lot of things I DO NOT wash in it so I wash them. Just me no one else.

Sage Ravenwood said...

OCD about dishes. Want to do mine? It's the one thing I detest. Yet if I'm doing them, I'm doing it by hand to make sure they get clean enough. Sorry to hear the TJ call didn't go as expected. Life has a way of working out all the kinks. (Hugs)Indigo