Friday, January 11, 2008

... now that Friday's here ...

The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it.

Were I to put all of the weight for my lack of ultimate success <ultimate success being defined as reaching goals in a timely manner; often, one is actually 'unconscious' to their own achievements as they are busy 'achieveing' and are not taking in their progress>, I would point back to that sentence, and say it was my inability to do just that at crucial times that has cost me.

There aren't many times that I visit that are exempt from the faulty application of ignoring the naysayers.  My experience is one with many moments of people telling me 'Mark, you can't do ...', only to stand back as I get to doing what 'can't be done'.  Yet, at crucial points in the 'doing', I couldn't find the extra something to get it done.  Sigh ...

I can only allow myself to believe that my first wife cost me anything; I can recall a local legend trainer trying to get her to understand that I 'coulda been a contender', and getting her on board with helping me further my career.  One day, I may ask her about that ... the reason I never have talked with her at length, is that I may not be a smart man, but I know when someone still thinks they want someone ...

... and when I left her, I was so very done with that.

Just to make sure that I wouldn't get 'weak' and fall into something, her Father came around, when we all came together this past summer.  I could have let him be my 'father' ... as it was, calling him Dad felt natural from the very first time I said it.  He reminded me of how we would talk about 'stuff', especially being a young husband.

See, I KNEW that I tried to make our marriage work.  I turned over as many stones as I could, trying to measure up.  Even passing the point of diminshing returns.  I do feel bad that she didn't get what she wanted, but she couldn't see the forest for the trees.

Could she have been a good wife?  Don't know, and don't care as much as I would wonder if I could have been a better boxer if she'd allowed for me to gain the traction at that crucial time. 

Okay, so now you know that there are people that are going to 'rain on your parade'.  Some of them may even be close enough to echo 'Julius Ceasar' <Et Tu, Brute?>.  That is something that I am going to make sure I don't let happen.  After all, I don't even believe what they say anyway ... so why let 'them' influence me?

Time to start a Kung-Fu mega movie weekend ... first up ... 'The Third Man' ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will repeat myself and again say that I am impressed with how honest and clear-eyed your entries are.  Wow.