Monday, December 5, 2016


I think that you can consider this your pre-resolution resolution..!  Many people are going to make promises to themselves, their loved ones, maybe even the medical professionals in their lives.  The reason that I am calling this a resolution is that the nature of my advice is given with the most important aspect of health and fitness… the understanding that the objective is not something that will reveal itself in a few weeks or even a few months.  As I picture conversations with clients in my future, the idea of improving one’s health and quality of life is paramount, and the physical changes have to be secondary to a person’s goal.
The main reason that the health and everyday function will be the main player in my approach to personal training is the comprehensiveness that losing weight entails.  For years, the dominant themes have been “calories in/calories out”  along with “just move” when discussing general health and fitness.  While I agree with the sentiment, the primary issue that has made weight-loss transformation shows watchable television, the complete transformation myth has saddled the fitness industry with unreasonable expectations.  And this is key.  Your goals temper your fitness approach and plan.
In order to have the complete body transformation that has been demonstrated on television shows and in weight loss ads, you have to first have a distinct goal so that you can base your expectations on.  Once you have that, be it an image or a number, you can map a strategy that will help you achieve your expectation.  The next step is prolly the most difficult of them all… the realistic formulation of a plan to safely achieve whatever goal or outcome of your fitness journey you are on.
Trying to make a permanent change through fitness is a mental process through which a person has to decide what they are going to give up in order to obtain their goal.  This is the lever by which the modality is moved by.  If you don’t want to do it, if you don’t want make time for it in your life, and by “it” I am talking about becoming fit,  you simply won’t.  An unmotivated individual has no reason to exercise.  When you ask a person who does work out, who does exercise, what moves them to do so, they often give a variety of reasons.  And having a reason to exercise is what has to be a major part of any fitness program… the want to do it.
Finally, losing weight and becoming fit are only related to one another.  That is why for my next entry, the difference between training and exercise will be the main topic of discussion.  They are not the same, nor are the rationale behind them the same.  Hopefully, my next entry will help clarify the difference and help whoever is reading to know the difference!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm finding that the biggest factor in achieving *anything* is persistence.

Someone said once that if you only walk on sunny days you'll never get to your destination. I just keep plugging away...