Wednesday, July 21, 2010



It is still pretty hot but when the story of Shirley Sherrod's seemingly inflammatory speech at a NAACP function first broke, I wanted to see exactly what was said to get the entire context of what she said. After all, she spoke at a banquet specific to the state where she was born and it seemed doubtful to me that she would have said anything out of turn at that kind of gathering. Earlier this week, I had the lack of protest being levied at the New Black Panther Party and how voter intimidation cases were being addressed in the media. I distinctly remember how things were shaking out in Florida and in other places suspected of voter improprieties during the W. Bush (see, I respect the Bush the elder and don't like typing numbers, so '43' is always 'W' to me) Presidential elections. There was a big hue and cry about what did or did not happen from the liberal side of political world.

Anywho, the moment that many people feared, a black person in a high governmental position gets caught with saying something inflammatory and, possibly even racist, at a banquet under the imprimatur of the NAACP. So I was stunned when I heard that the group's President, Benjamin Jealous, was among the voices calling for Ms. Sherrod's dismissal.


It is hard to communicate the black experience here in America. The only group of people who experienced cultural assimilation similar to 'us' are the Native Americans, and theirs is the standard by which the struggles of any surviving people and culture should be judged. The thing is, when you have such an omnipresent social juggernaut as White America looming over everthing you do as a group, yours is the group that has to adjust and cope. Not that other ethnic cultures has not influenced White Culture, but minorities HAVE to make the adjustment because you guys are the 'straw that stirs the drink'. Not trying to 'guilt' or create any kind of issue, but that is the way it is.

In her story, Ms. Sherrod had explained how she had evolved and her story about the farmer was but one element that had help to shape and form her purpose as a government worker, a servant of the people. ALL people. But it was couched in a way that connected her to the people she was speaking, full or references to Georgia, where she was from and other things that while non-threatening, would have a person who was not 'part of the club', confused by the alliterative meanings that was a part of her speech. She certainly didn't mean anything that I think Andrew Breithart wanted people to believe.

But the 'cut' by the NAACP President who spoke in hasty judgement reminded me of how things get so twisted to where the people who you would think know you better than a third-party who claims you have done something uncharacteristic, would and that they would be the first to your defense. That has been the most disappointing thing about the affair and that is where I am going to end my observations.


Beth said...

Let this be a lesson to all writers, whether professional or those of us who just like to dabble...try to find the full story. Don't accept partial information, be wary of sources, and try to be thorough.

I saw a story today that I almost posted, one that said that Sarah Palin would not be attending her daughter's marriage to Levi Johnston. I chose not to post it, because I don't trust PopEater as a highly trustworthy source. I was recently discussing another comment with a friend, in which Palin supposedly made a remark calling Obama "Sambo." Upon further checking, we found that it was reported by a waitress, there were no other witnesses, there was no audio or video. I despise Palin, but will not knowingly print lies about her.

It's called journalistic integrity, and we should see more, rather than less, of it.

Senorita said...

Whites are the group that stir the drink and everyone else has to assimilate ?

hahahahaha !

Sorry, but I live in California and life here is the exact opposite. Whites are the minority. Asians and Hispanics are the dominant forces. I understand what you mean, but it definitely does not ring true here in my state.

I would like to watch the tape or at least hear what Shirley Sherrod said because there are so many different points of view that I can't even begin to form my own without seeing it for myself.

Kathleen Scott said...

Ms. Sherrod got screwed. I hope the guy who wielded the hatchet gets some of his own medicine.

Ken Riches said...

As our country continues to become more diverse, and whites become the minority, I fear that they will become more fearful and grasp to power with their last gasp. It will be a wild ride for the next 10-20 years.